Reviews from this user (67034)

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FRAUD obtain monies by deceit

Review about Academic Singles

Criminal Fraud obtain monies by deceit false site


Fraud criminal commenced investigation with fraud and police got obtain monies by deceit


Review: Avoid the Academic Singles scam!

I was also caught. A trusted facebook friend posted a like (?maybe) . I though I'd take a look, and so had to press first option advertised of $9.95 for 6 months. After I foolishly clicked, $239. was taken from my account. I have not used site, immediately contact bank at 0800am, but could not have transaction cancelled, they said as it was authorised. I told them I authorised only $$9.95, still not joy
Then numerous emails to laetitia, CEO from Luxemburg, , stonewalled. I am going to Dept of Fair trading.
Cannot afford to lose that amount of money

Review: Avoid the Academic Singles scam!

Have spoken to Fraud section of my bank and also am a lawyer and advised in ten emails today that I am taking to Austrlain Fedral police under obtain Moines by deceit operating company out if Luxemburg no copy contract it agreement to take fees over $9.95 False advertising. Misleading conduct and what amount to thievery To advise their protocol re cancellation re signed documents is a joke as the agreement from March 3 in my case was NEVER agreed and requested copy which I have a smug reply
My bank is very interested due to international transaction fees and no registration as business in Australia though marketed as such
Majority of pics not academic cannot see age not match pic false of models or dodgy criminals I have gone to the face book page and left comment under each category as FRAUD and am gobsmaked at this robbery and promise I will not rest and if emails are blocked from me the bank will follow as fraud and I suggest all contact their credit card banks to initiate frauds contract requires offer and acceptance and NEVER was given offer of $248 to be deducted and certainly never accepted