Review: Avoid the Academic Singles scam!
They have sent my "debt" to the debt collectors. I 'owe' them 320 euros they tell me. Throughout this it has been impossible to talk to anyone - be2 itself would not discuss anything with me or answer my questions, the first finance management company they sent it to also wouldn't talk. and now the debt collectors wont. I contacted the money advisors at Which (a consumer organisation in the UK) and we agreed that my credit rating is unlikely to be affected - I have several credit card and don't need more anyway. The worst that might happen is that the limit on the cards might reduce from their current £5000 a bit. I really think we need to be in better contact - if this goes to court which it might, I might need some evidence from you all! I will give you therefore one of my email addresses susan.langdridge @ (NB take out the spaces - I put them there to confuse the machines that search for email addresses) and that is not my name but a pseudonym for things like this.
Review: Avoid the Academic Singles scam!
Do nothing - they give up. This is a scam as you know so they would not win in court.
Review: Avoid the Academic Singles scam!
Hi Everyone - if you are still getting emails/letters I advice writing on here under a pseudonym.. The first time I posted I used my real name - and the emails all started up again. They are watching this site I am sure.
I agree with you Rose - this scam does need to be shut down but how do we achieve that. I tried to persuade Which, a consumers organisation in the UK, to look at them but they have not done so. They should! Ignore all the letters and emails is my advice - eventually they will stop. Some I suspect give in and pay up which is why they keep on trying. I suspect the "debt collectors" are in on the scam.