Absolute scam

I never met anyone after months of trying - at almost AU$2.00 a single limited line answer - you then aren't even free to ad lib whatever you want without ticking a $ into the equation
I'm seriously concerned that fraud signatures are everywhere - to me seems like frauds are driving a lot - the messaging quality etc - is very simple and looking at it I think I could build and host a similar site for almost peanuts - I spent my last $ (er credits) examining this ( er forgot the dating intent eventually and woke up to myself) built partially a trial replication database ( using REDIS) to mimic key things - phew the profit margin estimates looked very very great ( not a marketer so maybe I missed a few things).

Guessing a 1,000 people and each doing 3-4 messages/mth that is a huge ripoff in my view- my receipts indicate - I spent over $2,000 and not one face to face - am I stupid or what?

said it all in the review

Eh let me think - er nothing comes to mind

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