Lots of people do not have a sports partner. That is one of the main reasons for many people not to take part in sport. Sport42 is the solution. Many members have found their ideal sports partner. A dance partner, walking mate, cycling partner, golf partner or other sport mate. Besides sport is a fun way to meet new people. You get to know each other during a walking or cycling trip. Definitely more fun!

Sport42 Reviews

    pubblicità ingannevole

    inizialmente di dicono che il sito è gratuito e quando poi ti scrivono non ti permettono di rispondere.penso che dovrebbero permettere almeno di rispondere a due o tre utenti per vedere se effettivamente è possibile incontrare persone serie per ballare

    just iinquired, got on response. Is it local?

    This says its an australian site. I am in oklahoma, and looking for very local. Is this the right site to be looking. They asked for $38.00 for 3 months just to get the first email note, and I have no idea if it will be legit. Anyone else give feedback here?

    hopefully you can connect with others with same need

    Unknown unproved site?

This website is not active anymore

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